The legends tell of love: The grave of Caroline Walter in the Old Cemetery

The Secret of the Sleeping Beauty
The sleeping girl made of stone lying on a bed with lavishly draped coverings is one of the most beautiful and famous tombs in the Old Cemetery, and therefore a point of interest in Freiburg. Caroline Christine Walter (1850–1867) died of tuberculosis when she was just 16 years old. The open book she holds in her hand bears the inscription: “It is certain in God's wisdom that from our dearest loved one we must part.” A plaque states that this monument was erected by her only sister, Selma Schleip, née Walter.

As the local tradition goes, Caroline Walter's lover was unable to recover from her death, which is why he brought fresh flowers to her grave every day. However, the identity of who continues this tradition to this day is an unsolved mystery. Every day of the year, visitors find beautiful, fresh flowers on the stone grave. Who knows, maybe love is immortal after all?