Straussenwirtschaften in Freiburg

Regional home cooking and wine direct from the farm
Freiburg experts know what a decorated Strauss (broom) at the roadside means: the taverns known as Besenwirtschaften and Straussenwirtschaften have reopened! These are seasonally open taverns and eateries, typical to Baden, where producers can market their products directly. You can enjoy home-style Baden cuisine with home-made wine, fruit brandy, and cider in a restaurant-like setting, a barn, or even out in the meadow.

They are regulated by the so-called Besenverordnung (Broom Act). A “Straussi” can’t have more than 40 seats, and the food needs to be easy to prepare. Typical dishes include Bibbeliskäs (quark with chives), Brägeli (fried potatoes with bacon and onions), sausage salad, onion quiche, and Flammkuchen (tarte flambée). Other dishes change depending on the season. In the spring, for example, asparagus and wild garlic dishes are made from local produce, and in the fall there are pumpkin and wild game dishes with lamb’s lettuce.

Baden’s hospitality is also well known far beyond the borders of Germany. In a Straussi, you might suddenly be involved in the discussion of your neighbors at the table, and spend a lovely evening in excellent company. Straussenwirtschaften don’t accept reservations, which is why people here often find themselves sitting shoulder to shoulder at the table during busy periods. Last but not least, a tip from our own experience: Come hungry, because the portions are usually very generous.