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Guided city and cathedral tours


FESTOUR, the company with the excellent and experienced guides, offers you exciting tours in Freiburg City, in the nearby Alsace/France, and in the surrounding Black Forest. Whether you wish to discover the secrets of the world famous “Isenheim Altar” in Colmar/France, or if you want to admire the breathtaking façade of the Straßburg Cathedral - or if you want to do a relaxing little boat trip or enjoy the taste of regional food specialities like the original Black Forest Ham or the seducing Black Forest Tart- with a guided tour of FESTOUR you won’t miss any natural,cultural or gourmet highlight!


Dr. Elisabeth Glück

Mit dem Fokus auf Kunstgeschichte und Stadtgeschichte (Schwerpunkt: Mittelalter bis Barock) bekommen Sie einen systematischen Einblick in die Entwicklung des städtischen Lebens in Freiburg, geführt von einer gebürtigen Freiburgerin, einem echten ‚Bobbele‘ (wie die in Freiburg Geborenen mundartlich genannt werden). Auch in einem neuzeitlichen Stadtbild lassen sich offene und verdeckte Spuren der Vergangenheit finden, die Freiburg zu dem machten, was es heute ist: Eine liebenswerte, lebendige und kunsthistorisch reiche Zähringer-Stadt. Diese Spuren aufzudecken und zu einem Ganzen zusammenzufügen ist das Ziel dieser Führungen.



Bonjour-Allemagne, ce sont des visites guidées en français à partir de 3 personnes spécialement conçues pour des groupes francophones ! Que ce soit pour des adultes ou des enfants, en famille ou avec des amis, pour des groupes scolaires de lycéens, de collégiens ou d’écoliers, nous personnalisons votre visite guidée.
Avec Bonjour-Allemagne, découvrez la vieille ville de Fribourg, la cathédrale, le musée des Augustins ou le célèbre éco-quartier Vauban. Fribourgeoi(se)s de naissance ou d’adoption, nos guides francophones vous font partager leur passion pour cette ville attachante.
Approfondissez votre connaissance de Fribourg avec l’une de nos visites guidées thématiques. Marchez dans les pas des hommes et femmes célèbres de la ville, suivez les traces des Français à Fribourg, partez à la recherche des bâtisseurs du Moyen-Âge…
Vous souhaitez prolonger la visite ? Nous vous proposons des visites guidées d’un ou plusieurs jours afin de découvrir la Forêt Noire, le pays de Bade, l’Alsace et la Suisse. Contactez-nous!


Anne Schmieder-Matten Gästeführung

Tel. +49 761 796303
Fax +49 761 7030820
FWTM_ZertifikatService FWTM_Logo_BVGD

Are you particulary interested in art and history? In addition to the main highlights we will also show you the less known treasures in this border triangle. Are you planning a school trip? Are you organising a club or company outing or a supporting programme for a conference? If you cannot find anything suitable in Freiburg, Colmar, Strasbourg, in the Black Forest or the Vosges Mountains, along the Baden and Alsatian wine routes, we can spend the day in the Swiss Mountains, at Lake Lucerne, Zurich or Basle.
Let us prepare a tour for you which is as individual as your favourite dish.



Da ormai 20 anni siamo il partner ufficiale della città di Friburgo e con 50 guide professioniste siamo il punto di riferimento per la vostra esperienza individuale di Friburgo. Offriamo una scelta di visite guidate del centro storico e della cattedrale, visite tematici, itinerari senza barriere architettoniche per persone su sedie a rotelle, per non udenti e non vedenti – siamo in grado di costruire il vostro tour su misura per individuali e gruppi. Con l‘assistenza delle nostre guide potrete anche scoprire i posti più suggestivi nei dintorni come la Foresta Nera, l‘Alsazia e la Svizzzera. Prenotazione obbligatoria con pagamento anticipato.



Tel. +49 761  600 616 30

Nasentrompeter (a sculpture called nose trumpet player) or Schäufele (shoulder of pork) - Freiburg and its surroundings have plenty to discover. Cittalino offers you city and Minster guided tours in Freiburg - informative, appealing and varied events for large and small groups as well as families. To school classes, children and youngsters, we offer specially designed roundwalks. On request, the city roundwalk may be rounded off by a guided tour through the Augustinermuseum. Apart from facts worth knowing about art, culture, history and legends, you will also be introduced to the South Baden way of life.


Black Forest Tours

Black Forest Tours caters to English-speaking visitors to Freiburg, the Black Forest and nearby Alsace region in France. Each tour is customized to your needs. We cater to individuals and small groups. If you don’t see yourself on a bus with 50 other people, hitting every tourist spot whether you like it or not, you have found the right partner. At Black Forest Tours we listen to your wants and needs, then provide options from which you can choose what to see and at a pace appropriate for you. Experience The Black Forest like a Local. Even if it's only for a day.


Freiburger Geschichten

Christiane Brannath M.A.
Tel. +49 761 48 43 27

The great diversity of Freiburg, transmitted in an illustrative and professional way –that´s the concept of Freiburger Geschichten. The topics deal with city walks and guided tours of the cathedral as well as fairy tales and legends, unknown places, important people of Freiburg of all centuries, even crime tours and many others. You will be astonished about the many facettes of our city! Our guided tours are prepared indivdually according to your wishes and age. We are looking forward to you!



State cercando una guida di Friburgo fuori del comune? Amate scoprire le stradine nascoste della città e conoscerne la storia anche attraverso piccoli aneddoti  ? Siamo un gruppo di guide quailificate, entusiaste e pronte a dividere con voi, sorridenti, la nostra autentica passione per la storia e la cultura della città in cui viviamo ! Il nostro motto? Venite con noi ad ascoltare, guardare, scoprire Friburgo assaggiare le sue tante specialità gastronomiche!


Rundum Freiburg

You visit the old part of the town and get to know the buildings, the streams and the lanes. The cathedral, the former parish church, experienced several replannings in its more than 800 years of construction. The exciting history of change is shown in impressive and clearly visible examples, remarkably its stained glass windows. Guided tours to special topics in the surroundings of Freiburg are available


ABC Guide

Dr. Petra-Angelika Rohde
Tel. +49 761 7038877
Fax +49 761 7038880

ABC Guide visits are exciting and highly entertaining. Wherever in Freiburg, Basel, Colmar or Black Forest, we can personalise your city trip or tour following your own interest or wishes. We are ready to advise you. It's also possible to book exciting topic tours in Freiburg such as "fairy tales from Black Forest" or culinary tasting tours. Discover with us the landscape and cultural diversities in Southern Baden and Alsace, our competent team is looking forward to meeting you.



You are not fond of many dates and boring history lessons full of dull information?
With our tour guides you get to know the real and lovely city of Freiburg, the heart of the fairytale-like Black Forest and the picturesque Alsace.
Because we have far more to offer than being strictly German!